viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Differential equations and the calculus of variations

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This text is meant for students of higher schools and deals with the most important sections of mathematics-differential equations and the calculus of variations. 

The firstpart describes the theory of differential equations and reviews the methods for integrating these equations and investigating their solutions.

The second part gives an idea of the calculus of variations and surveys the methods for solving variational problems.
The book contains a large number of examples and problems with solutions involving applications of mathematics to physics and mechanics. 

Autor: Elsgolts, Lev Ernestovich

Publicación: Moscú: Mir Publishers, 1970

Este libro es una nueva adquisición del Sistema de Bibliotecas, y desde ahora puede ser consultado en la Biblioteca del Carmen de Viboral, Colección general  515.35/E49

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