miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018


Impressionism was one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of painting. The young impressionists of the 1860s and ´70s in France not only abandoned the conventional theories of academic painting, but opened the way to the future. In 1874 a group of experimental and virtually unknown artists, including Renoir, Monet, Pissarro, and Sisley, held a highly unsuccessful exhibition of their revolutionary works in Paris, defying the hidebound traditionalism of the official salon.

Autor: Phoebe Pool

Publicación: New York : Oxford University Press, 1967

Este libro es una nueva adquisición del Sistema de Bibliotecas, y desde ahora puede ser consultado en la Biblioteca del Carmen de Viboral, Colección general, 709.0344/P821 1967

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