For many years orchestras and conservatories have wanted a practical and
easily accessible edition of the orchestral passages required at auditions. An
orchestral musician is expected to know and to have mastered not only the solo
literature of his instrument but especially the opera and concert repertoire as
well. The present edition contains those passages which a musician is expected
to have at his or her command before being accepted into an orchestra. Unlike the many existing “orchestral studies”, this collection focuses on the material
commonly used in auditions. In thus forms a foundation for the practical
training of young orchestral musicians, and serves professional musicians as a
means of practicing difficult passages.
This Project was initiated at the behest of the German Music Council and
the German conservatories. It is based on statistical studies carried out by
the German Union of Orchestras and on many years of professional experience
gained by the editors themselves, all of whom are members of orchestras and
conservatory staffs.
Autor: Joachim Pliquett &
Hansfred Losch
Publicación: Frankfurt : C. F. Peters,
Este libro es una nueva adquisición del Sistema de
Bibliotecas, y desde ahora puede ser consultado en la Biblioteca del Carmen de
Viboral, Colección general, 788.92/T342
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