miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

Vector and tensor analysis

First published in 1953, this is a straightforward introduction to classical vector and tensor analysis for students of engineering and mathematical physics. It is unusual for its appreciation of the problems which beset the beginning student and for its capable resolution of these problems.
Emphasis is upon vectors, with chapters ranging from elementary vector operations up to moments of vectors, linear vector differential equations; mechanics, with special reference to motion of a particle and of a system of particles; partial differentiation, with operator del and other operators; integration, with Green’s theorem, Stokes’s theory, irrotational and solenoidal vectors. Most important features of classical tensor analysis are also presented with information on transformation of coordinates, contravariant and covariant tensors, geodesics, oriented Cartesian tensors, Christoffel symbols and applications.

Autor: G.E. HAY associate Professor of mathematics

Publicación: Dover Publication, Inc. 1953.

Este libro es una nueva adquisición del Sistema de Bibliotecas, y desde ahora puede ser consultado en la Biblioteca del Carmen de Viboral, Colección general, 515.63/H412v

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